Overall 2024 Winners: Samantha Rochin, Caelyn Brown, Angelina Genova, Ruben Avalos Torres, Jackson Kim, and Wyatt Bates |
Tri-Community 5k FiestaGather your friends and family to support the Tri-Community 5k Fundraiser in Phelan, CA, and make a real difference!This event is designed to raise awareness and funds for the Tri-Community Kiwanis and Phelan Chamber Scholarship Programs. Let's make this year's event a grand success and achieve our goal of raising $6000, which will be used to award scholarships to Snowline Unified School District High School Seniors and the Miss Phelan Queen Scholarship. The Tri-Community Kiwanis and the Phelan Chamber of Commerce have teamed up to organize this event and support the youth in the community. So, hurry up and register to get a bib, medal, and giveaways. Let's show our support for our local community by contributing to the education of our youth! | RUN • WALK • RACE |
Volunteers help ensure the Tri-Community 5k Fiesta is possible. Interested in volunteering at our upcoming 5k event? We need volunteers for the following activities to ensure our event is a success!
How long does it take to complete a 5K? A 5K distance is 3.1 miles. This is a competitive race and a fun run that anyone can participate in. While faster 5K participants will complete the course in 25 minutes, most cross the finish line in 30-50 minutes. Competitive racers will start first followed by any non-competitive participants. Everyone who participates is encouraged to walk, roll, push, run or skip at their happy pace! Is the 5K course accessible for people with disabilities? Because of our rural community and the course selected will have portions that will be dirt. Runners could encounter sandy, rocky, uneven and hilly terrain. A portion of the course will be on the track around the football field and will be available to those who cannot travel the designated 5K course. All participants can walk, run, push or roll safely and at their own happy pace. Strollers and pets are welcome, but please be mindful that the course will be crowded in spots. |
Be A 5K Fiesta Sponsor We are seeking sponsors for the Tri-Community 5K Fiesta. By contributing, you can support the Tri-Community Kiwanis and the Phelan Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Funds. These scholarships are awarded to graduating high school seniors attending schools within the Tri-Community. The Senior Awards Night is a long-standing community tradition, where deserving students receive several hundred thousand dollars in scholarship awards, many of which are contributed by local businesses and organizations. Your support for the Tri-Community 5K Fiesta will not only help local students achieve their career goals, but also give your business or organization exposure within the community during this collaborative event. For Sponsorship OpportunitiesPlease Click The Sponsor Form ButtonTRI-COMMUNITY 5K FIESTA SPONSORSHIP LEVELSPLATINUM SPONSOR - $1000
The 2024 Race Results & Run Times Are In! It was a great day and everyone who attended had a great time! We'll see ya' next year! THANK YOU RUNNERS & SPONSORS FOR MAKING THIS EVENT A SUCCESS!
Overall Winners: Samantha Rochin, Caelyn Brown, Angelina Genova, Youth Division Female Fastest Time Youth Division Male Fastest Time Teen Division Female Fastest Time Teen Division Male Fastest Time & Overall Winner Adult Division Female Fastest Time Adult Division Male Fastest Time |